Online coaching

Strength refined, coached to perfection: Unleash your best self

hAving trained over 1000 clients in weightloss, strength training, crossfit and weightlifting, helping them achieve their goals and dream physiques through diet. We’ve created a program with the accessibility of online coaching and with the quality of face to face personal training.

We’re a strength training specialized coaching platform with a weight loss, weightlifting and strength training focus

Body composition

Stuck on your program, not making any gains and don’t know what to do, our educated and experienced coaches will get you out of that plateau

Strength training

your goals are what drives us, we will work to our best capacity to help you achieve your dream physique. From muscle gain, weight loss to becoming lean - we’re there for you!

Strength Refined, Coached to Perfection: Unleash Your Best Self

Strength Refined, Coached to Perfection: Unleash Your Best Self

the founders

Kasper Berkhout (Founder)

running his own personal training studio in amsterdam, participating in crossfit and weightlifting competitions and having over 10 years of experience in training clients, Kasper is the one to look for when you need help in your lifts. welift weightlifting coach, Dutch hda personal training & strength and conditioning specialist gives him a broad range of knowledge to help you with your new pr’s

jelmer strijbosch (Founder)

As a licensed dietician and nsca certified personal trainer with over 10 years of experience in the field he is the go to solution for all your strength training and nutrition questions. having guided every level of experience in sports, he has what it takes to help you achieve your goals and surpass them.

Strength Refined, Coached to Perfection: Unleash Your Best Self

Strength Refined, Coached to Perfection: Unleash Your Best Self

Building stronger individuals with healthy habits in a fun way